This is the senior division finalists that will travel to Boston, MA next February to present their research at the American Junior Academy of Science.

This is a picture of our junior division finalists.

This is the senior division finalists that will travel to Boston, MA next February to present their research at the American Junior Academy of Science.
Nebraska Junior and Senior High School
Science, Engineering, and Agriculture
Research Competition
NJAS Objectives &
As an affiliate of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, the Nebraska Junior Academy of Sciences (NJAS) seeks to stimulate science education and to encourage young people to become involved in science. The NJAS Science Fair, held annually in April, brings together the Top 6 junior and senior high student projects from each region of the state.
NJAS Registration
Science fair competitions occur across 6 regions in Nebraska in the spring. Each region selects 6 junior high and 6 senior high projects to represent their region which is held at the Nebraska East Union in Lincoln.
Click the registration button below to register your project for your regional fair.
Rules & Guidelines
NJAS competitions follow the rules and guidelines for student research established by the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Rules specific to the Nebraska Junior Academy of Science can be found in the handbook.
History of the Nebraska Junior Academy of Science
NJAS was founded in 1936 as a result of members of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences wanting to provide opportunities for high school students to meet and to exchange information about their work in the field of science. The organization was first led by Lincoln Jackson High School science teacher Julius D. Young.
From the 1940’s through the early 1980’s, NJAS sponsored the Nebraska Science Talent Search. Since the early 1980s, top projects from NJAS have advanced to present at the American Junior Academy of Sciences Conference, held in conjunction each year with the American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting.
NJAS is a 501(c)3 non-profit comprised of volunteers from across the state who plan and conduct a state science and engineering fair that brings together the Top 6 junior and senior high student projects from each state region. The Nebraska Science Olympiad also operates under the umbrella of NJAS.