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American Psychological Association Certificate for Achievement in Research in the Psychological Sciences

The American Psychological Association Education Directorate and Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools will award one certificate recognizing outstanding research in psychology under the category of behavioral and social sciences.


Association for Women Geoscientists Student Award for Geosciences Excellence

The National Association for Women Geoscientists will award one certificate to female students whose project exemplifies high standards of innovativeness and scientific excellence in the geosciences illustrating the interdisciplinary nature of the geosciences or promoting the sensitivity to the earth as a global system.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Students who advance from their ISEF-affiliated science fair to the 2024 Regeneron ISEF may be eligible for EPA’s Patrick H. Hurd Sustainability Award. EPA anticipates having judges participate in the 2024 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair between May 11 and 17, 2024, where they will make the selection for this EPA Award.

Casey's Research Award

Multiple category awards where 5 middle school projects leave our fair with a gift certificate for a free large pizza thanks to Casey's General Store.


NASA Earth System Science Award

The goal of the NASA Earth System Science Award is to increase awareness regarding the importance of scientific research in the area of Earth system science, the study of the complex system, and the interconnections that occur on Earth. It is presented for the project that best demonstrates insight into Earth’s interconnected spheres. The different spheres that make up our Earth system are the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere (snow and ice), and biosphere. The project should incorporate studies including different spheres of the Earth system, their interactions and change over time. It should include cause-effect relationships based on evidence and demonstrate a clear understanding of how those relationships affect Earth as a system. Listed below are subcategories from which this type of project might be selected.

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Taking the Pulse of the Planet Award

The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration awards a “Taking the Pulse of the Planet” certificate. The student’s research project emphasizes NOAA’s mission to understand and predict changes in Earth’s environment; and conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet our Nation’s economic coastal and environmental needs.

​Office of Naval Research ~ U.S. Navy / U.S. Marine Corps Award

The Office of Naval Research sponsors science that changes the world including discovering the magnetic core, GPS, and smart robots. They award three students demonstrating exceptional work in science and engineering. One award for grades 6 – 8 includes a certificate and a medallion.

Ricoh Americas Corporation Sustainable Development Award

Ricoh Corporation recognizes a student demonstrating outstanding efforts addressing environmental responsibility and sustainable development. An individual or team entry is selected from among the general award categories, whose principles and technical innovations offer the greatest potential for increasing our ability to grow environmentally friendly and socially responsible businesses.


Society for In Vitro Biology

The Society for In Vitro Biology (SIVB) provides one (1) award at each Regional/State ISEF Competition. It is intended that this recognition be awarded to the most outstanding 11th-grade student exhibiting in the areas of plant or animal in vitro biology or tissue culture.

Society for Science

The Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) is the world’s largest international pre-college science competition. Regeneron ISEF provides an annual forum for more than 1,600 students in grades 9–12 from nearly every state in the U.S. and more than 60 countries, regions, and territories to showcase their talent on an international stage. Each year, millions of students worldwide compete in science fairs, with winners going on to participate in more than 400 Society-affiliated fairs. The top winners at those fairs earn the opportunity to compete at Regeneron ISEF. In 2024, Regeneron ISEF will once again be a fully in-person event. These top young scientific minds will come together to showcase their talent on an international stage, be judged by doctoral-level scientists, and compete for more than $8 million in prizes and scholarships.

Thermofisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge

​Formerly the Broadcom MASTERS (Math, Applied Science, Technology, and Engineering for Rising Starrs) is a competition for grades 6 – 8. Nationally the top 10% of these grades are selected for this honor. Up to 5 CNSEF nominees are eligible to register to compete nationally for valuable prizes and awards including the grand prize of $30,000.

​U.S. Air Force Award

The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory recognizes one top stem project in grades 6-8 at the CNSEF by awarding a U.S. Air Force sling pack, Power Bank, USB Flash Memory Drive, USB Car Charger, and Official AF Certificate.

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is pleased to offer one (1) Science Champion Award to recognize an exceptional project at your fair that has the potential to help address a salient international development challenge. In addition to an electronic certificate, the winning individual/team will be invited to join other winners from around the world to participate in a virtual conversation with USAID leaders, to be held in the summer of 2024.

​U.S. Metric Association Certificate of Award

The U.S. Metric Association awards one certificate to the student whose project involves a significant amount of quantitative measurement and which best uses the SI metric system for those measurements.

Copyright Nebraska Junior Academy of Science 2024

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